Here at Loki's Demented Noodle House, we have a relatively small breeding operation focused on quality, not quantity. Our top priority is producing healthy and high quality ball pythons.
Here at Loki's Demented Noodle House, we have a relatively small breeding operation focused on quality, not quantity. Our top priority is producing healthy and high quality ball pythons.
Discounts available for purchases of more than one snake. We are currently open to trades.
If at any time after purchase you experience a problem with one of our snakes, we ask that you immediately contact us for assistance.
We accept returns of our snakes for up to six months after purchase for any reason and may choose to accept returns at our discretion thereafter. Returns will result in a refund of the purchase price sans shipping. If shipping is required and the snake is not healthy, you must take it to a vet and improve its health to a safe level for shipping before returning it.
Woodland, United States
Woodland, United States
24th January 2022
Verified seller since 30th January 2022