Here at American Made Morphs we strive to be the best we can be by answering all questions to the absolute best of our knowledge and in a prompt manner. Quick and reliable service is most important to us so all customers are happy to choose American Made Morphs as their first choice when searching for quality ball pythons. Making sure our customers are treated like family and are taken care of by any means necessary. We understand buying anything online is difficult and lots of people are skeptical about doing so especially with live animals. We are willing to do anything to ensure our customer has 100% trust in us handling your reptile needs, going as far as FaceTiming during the packaging of your new friend.
Here at American Made Morphs we strive to be the best we can be by answering all questions to the absolute best of our knowledge and in a prompt manner. Quick and reliable service is most important to us so all customers are happy to choose American Made Morphs as their first choice when searching for quality ball pythons. Making sure our customers are treated like family and are taken care of by any means necessary. We understand buying anything online is difficult and lots of people are skeptical about doing so especially with live animals. We are willing to do anything to ensure our customer has 100% trust in us handling your reptile needs, going as far as FaceTiming during the packaging of your new friend.
30 day payment plans available for orders $500 or more with a non-refundable 25% down payment. In the case of abandon payment plans the all payments are forfeited. American Made Morphs is not responsible for returning any form of currency in any circumstances. If the customer changes their mind and decides they would like to pick a different animal at any time during the payment plan the 25% non refundable deposit is used as a restocking fee and the remainder can be added towards a different animal listed by American Made Morphs and the payment plan continues and ends on the same day unless otherwise discussed.
We only ship when the weather is appropriate using overnight shipping through shipyourreptiles.com. If the weather is not appropriate your animal will be cared for as if it is still ours. Arranging for delivery while weather is not ideal voids all guarantees.
Any DOA or issues must be reported with pictures within 4 hours of package being delivered to FedEx hub.
Buyer is responsible of all costs for returns.
We may request you return the animal you have an issue with in order to receive in-store credit for the animal.
Gender and genetics are to the best of our knowledge. We probe all reptiles the day before we send them out but accidents do happen so please contact us within 4 hours of snake arriving at the FedEx shipping hub
Phone: (774) 462-7725 Devan
Insta: Americanmademorphs
Blackstone, United States
Blackstone, United States
21th October 2021
Verified seller since 22th October 2021